Friday, September 23, 2016

Uniform Crime Report "UCR"



This weeks post is based on the UCR “Uniform Crime Report” which was established in 1930. The purpose of the UCR was to bring accurate crime statistics to the public. If you examine the UCR correctly it suppose to show you how much crime is in your city-state, or another state for that matter. These crime reports are put out on a year to year by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which is in charge of organizing and manufacturing the uniform crime reports.

In my opinion, The UCR is 100% false based on my research. Crimes in the UCR are only crimes that is report what about crimes that get committed but the wrongdoers are never brought to justice. Do those crimes count?

I do feel as if its not government officials fault but more so the citizens. If crimes are being committed it’s the people in the community job to report these crimes because that’s the only way the UCR will ever be accurate. Please feel free voice your opinion below.

Hagan, Frank E. Introduction to Criminology: Theories, Methods, and Criminal Behavior.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you gave enough information about what the UCR is for, us as readers, to make our own personal opinions. I like how you gave some history about it and also how you think it could be made better. You stated your opinion based on some research you did, but I'd like to see those links so I can try and see where your views are coming from and make my own opinion as well.
