Sunday, September 18, 2016

Why did I choose my major? :Social Work


We’ve been violent to each other for a very long time, and today the violence still doesn't seem to stop. We are surrounded by lots of hurtful things such as mass shooting, hate crime, sexual assault, bullying and more, though the world, on a big scale, looks pretty peaceful anyway. 

No one likes to suffer from such violence, yet it somehow seems inevitable in our daily lives. Violence will always happen unless the world suddenly becomes a paradise. Then what are some options for the victims and their family? What would I do if the victim was me? What if the victim was my loved one? Would that violence still be daily events if the world’s leaders and law makers were the victims? I sometimes wondered about it when I was younger. 

Then when I was a sophomore in high school, I was engaged with a campaign called “The Price of Life.” It was about helping the survivors of human trafficking. That day I learned little kids are being sold as sex slaves. Since then that shocking fact got stuck in my head, and as I became more aware of that fact day by day I found myself paying more attention to articles and news about children’s crisis. I started to understand why there was a job such as a “social worker.” After 20 years from now, I'm pretty sure children will still be the victim of countless crimes. I thought it'd bother me a lot if there is nothing I can do for them, so I figured social work would be a nice field to get into for me. While I’m at Michigan State I hope to examine especially how traumatizing experiences affect humans’ mind and behavior and study to find ways to make the survivors’ lives better etc.

Here’s the link to the website of The Price of Life for people who might be interested: