Tuesday, November 15, 2016



Today in my HDFS 145 course we learned a lot about communication, a topic that relates to understanding human behavior, which is basically what our blog is focused around. 

Communication is key because it allows us to connect with other people but it can also push us away from others. A common thing in couples today is not communicating. Communicating verbally and nonverbally vary directly with the satisfaction of your relationship with your partner. Verbal communication expresses the basic content of the message (your words) while nonverbal communication is the relational part of the message (hand gestures). Some may believe that nonverbal communication really isn't that important but it is. Studies prove that to really get your message across to your partner it is crucial that you use both verbal and nonverbal communication. 

With communicating, there are also ways to get your point or message across more clearly. Facial expressions are a major way to do this, especially eye contact, an important expression to communication. 
Satisfaction of your marriage is based off a lot of things but it is majorly influenced by the quality of the communication. People who are in satisfied marriages are able to accept conflict, disclose private thoughts, discuss personal topics, and have the ability to send verbal and nonverbal messages and be able to understand them. Marriages are affected by communication in both positive and negative ways. If you communicate poorly before marriage you are more likely to do so after marriage as well. It also applies vice versa, if you communicate well before marriage you are more likely to do so after marriage too. 

Overall, if you take one thing away from my blog please remember that communication is key!    

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