Saturday, November 19, 2016



Theory is necessary for capturing the essence of criminology. In this blog where going to talk about the Theory of "Differential Association" made famous by Edwin Sutherland (1883 - 1950).

Perhaps the most influential general theory of criminality was that proposed initially in 1934 by Edwin Sutherland (1883-1950) in his theory of differential association. Simply stated, the theory indicates that individuals become predisposed toward criminality due to an excess of contacts which advocate criminal behavior. Due to these contacts a person will tend to learn and accept values and attitudes which look more favorably upon criminality.

This theory caught my attention, first I don't think o theory is 100% accurate, and in criminal justice there is are theories about almost everything. I do feel like some theories do hold more truth then other and this being a example. I believe that the more you are exposed to crime and deviant behavior the more likely you are to pick on those specific actions. Not saying that its inevitable, but there is a change and I think the higher percentage is leaning towards those who chose the wrong path because of the things they see around them. Please feel free to comment any thought or information you have.

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