Sunday, November 6, 2016

Tips and Tricks to ace your final exams


Finals week is creeping up upon us and now is crunch time. The few weeks before exams is the perfect time to crank out the books and start studying! Do exams stress you out? Do you have test anxiety? This blog may help out a little with 5 tips to help ace your final exams!

1.     Read over all your old notes – this may be self explanatory but I can’t stress enough how much it helps to reread old information to make it fresh in your mind again. 
2.     Handwrite any notes you typed in class – This goes along with tip number 1 in the essence of going over your notes and reviewing them. A cool fun fact is that handwriting notes can help retain information better than typing!
3.     Make a study guide catered just for you – After taking notes type up a little page or two with key terms and information that may end up on the exam. Not only can you study off of it later but it also helps you understand the material a little bit more using it for something other than notes.
4.     Study with Friends! – I can’t stress this enough, get a group of your class pals and head down to the library for a study sesh! It’s a more interactive way to study and you can get help from the others in the room!
5.     Quiz yourself – a great way to do this is by using quizlet, a website that you can make your own flashcard sets! Definitely a great online resource!

I hope these tips help you when you start to prepare for your finals. Please make note that preparing for finals week isn’t all about studying. Make sure to get enough sleep and take little study breaks to go outside and get some fresh air!  

Chan, Evelyn. "Tips From Teachers: Finals Week." The Wrangler. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2016. <>.

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