Thursday, November 17, 2016

Self Care for helping professionals (+everyone)


All helping professionals are very likely to experience big stress due to overwhelming emotions they may get from working with clients. "Every therapist needs a therapist.Because it is always important to take care of yourself, I'd like to share some self-care strategies in this post.

Self-care strategies vary from person to person, but the first step would be recognizing your stress. Helping professionals absorb lots of emotions from clients and the work itself that can be hard to handle such as depression, anger, fear, loneliness, trauma, pain, and more. It's important to acknowledge that it can cause secondary trauma or compassion fatigue. Secondary trauma can be developed when the clients' stories are similar to our own issues that we have had in the past or are having at the moment. Compassion fatigue can be developed when the clients' issues bring exhaustion to our ability to work effectively. Symptoms of secondary trauma and compassion fatigue may include but not limited to the following; flashbacks of our own experiences, trigger, old-wounds reopened, personal depression, overworking yourself, nightmares, feeling unfulfilled by your work, and physical symptoms such as sleeplessness, decrease or increase in appetite, panic or anxiety attacks, and easily startled etc. 

Self-care is very important to not only helping professionals but to everyone, obviously. We all go through stresses nearly every day whether it's small or big. I hope this gave some ideas of self-caring methods and reminded you that you deserve a break because you are important!

info source: Self Care for Therapists-

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