Sunday, November 6, 2016



We all have those thoughts in our minds that bring us down such as, "I wish I was smarter" and "I wish I was a little taller." These thoughts that bring negative attention to ourselves are called insecurities and they really bring us down and make us feel small as a person. 

How do we even have these thoughts? The answer is because we each have something called your "critical inner voice". This critical inner voice is developed from the start of dawn. It forms and grows from any negative comment you have heard or received. Some examples can be your parents fighting about money issues or your mother always hating her gray hair. These then develop into your own fears such as having the stress to find your own income of money or always wanting to dye your hair to different colors because it looks dull. We unconsciously develop these bad ideas about ourselves as we grow older and these minor thoughts can lead into destructive thoughts to ourselves and to others. 

Insecurities can happen to anyone and this is really important to understand. There are many different types of forms insecurities can have on an individual. The different types of insecurities are relationship, work, and individual. All of these insecurities are negative and have negative affects on relationships including friendships and intimate relationships, work performance, and self-love. I always here the phrase "You can't love another person until you learn to love yourself" and this is so true! We have to see the great things in ourselves in order to see them in others. We are each wonderful individuals and some people that can help you see those amazing things in yourself are your friends. 

These two best friends take each other's worst body insecurities and then read them to each other. The video is extremely powerful and ended with the conclusion that we would never be friends with someone who says we look fat in a pair of jeans or our face is full of acne. We look for the best in our friends who cheer us up no matter how we look. So the ultimate question is why do we do say these hurtful things to ourselves. We are ultimately our own worst bully that we could ever encounter.

Although having insecurities are so common and probably will never leave everyone, we can start off by being a little more positive in ourselves. We can be proud of ourselves by getting a decent score on an exam or appreciate how well work is going for you. Starting with a little bit of self positivity every day will do wonders to you. Be yourself's best friend and the world will start to see you as a independent, lovable person.

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