Sunday, October 16, 2016

Test Anxiety


    Test anxiety can happen to anyone and it really is a struggle to deal with. Test anxiety can happen when there is a fear of failure and a lot of pressure to do well on the test. Test anxiety has many symptoms such as psychical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms. Physical symptoms include headaches, nausea, excessive bathroom breaks, sweating, light-headedness, and a rapid increase in your heartbeat. Emotional symptoms include anger, fear, disappointment, and helplessness. Cognitive symptoms include a difficulty in concentrating, negative thinking, and comparing yourself to others. Lack of preparation for a test can definitely contribute to someone's test anxiety. 

Tips to Help Test Anxiety:

1. Be prepared. Develop good study habits and study multiple times a week before a test.
2. Develop good test-taking skills. Read directions and do the easy problems first.
3. Maintain a positive attitude. Nothing tears you down more than not having self confidence!
4. Stay focused. Concentrate on the test and only the test. 
5. Practice relaxation techniques. Slow breaths and and relax your muscles. 
6. Staying healthy. Get enough sleep, eat right, and exercise! If you are feeling exhausted, it will be harder for you to handle the stress of the test.
7. Talk to someone! Visit the counseling center and the school will be aware of this awful anxiety. There are ways to cope with test anxiety and people will always be there to help.

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