Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Your brain on heartbreak

This weeks blog is on heartbreak, and how the brain reacts to it.
As most of us know when you're finally healing from a romantic relationship that you didn't want to end you're going through a rollercoaster of emotion. You're upset, you're sad, you're angry, but you're also still in love. Its like youre wanting “closure” from the person who just tore your heart i a million pieces and you're willing to go to dramatic  and even embarrassing lengths to get that although you know deep down inside you're doing entirely too much right now, and you're not in your “right mind”
In the article “This is your brain on heartbreak” Author Meghan Laslocky says that “In a study back in 2005 psychologist Art Aron, neurologist Lucy Brown, and anthropologist Helen Fisher, individuals who were deeply in love viewed images of their beloved and simultaneously had their brains scanned in an fMRI machine, which maps neural activity by measuring changes in blood flow in the brain. The fMRI vivid casts of yellows, greens, and blues—fireworks across gray matter—clearly showed that romantic love activates in the caudate nucleus, via a flood of dopamine.”(Laslocky, february 2013)

This clearly shows that heartbreak doesn't only affect you emotionally but it affects you physically also.

Laslocky, By Meghan. "This Is Your Brain on Heartbreak." Greater Good. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2016.


  1. I like how you used a scientific study as an example to show how the brain is after a break up. I think you could have added more detail to your explanation of this study, though. For example, maybe explain what dopamine is.

  2. I like how you used a scientific study as an example to show how the brain is after a break up. I think you could have added more detail to your explanation of this study, though. For example, maybe explain what dopamine is.

  3. Thank you, and you're right I have tons of information on dopamine and how its assoiciated with this topic, it could be great for an edit thank you again !
